All posts tagged: hamid karzai

What has Happened after 20 Years of the War on (Terrorism)?

Twenty years have passed since America declared what it called a “war on terror” following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York in 2001, after which America occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. And here is America today, withdrawing from Afghanistan, dragging the tails of defeat, leaving behind those who trusted […]

Views on the News 28/08/2021

Biden Continues to Struggle with the US Exit from Afghanistan After the US puppet regime in Kabul collapsed much faster than America had expected, with its head, Ashraf Ghani, hastily fleeing to the UAE, America was left with a chaotic exit from the country. The world’s media was filled with scenes of shocking mismanagement at […]

In the Name of Power-Sharing, Pakistan’s Rulers are Striving to Salvage the US Colonialist State Structure in Afghanistan

An emergency meeting of Pakistan’s National Security Committee (NSC) was held on 16 August 2021, chaired by Imran Khan and attended by federal ministers and commanders of Pakistan’s armed forces, regarding Afghanistan, as if an independent foreign policy decision was to be made.

Special Coverage: After Two Decades of Crusader Warfare, Where has Afghanistan Reached?

On the 7th of October 2001, the head of kufr, America and its ally, Britain waged a savage war against Muslims. The US bombarded the Afghani cities: Kabul, Qandahar, Jalalabad and others with Tomahawk rockets, bombers and various weapons. These rockets and bombers launched from the air space, waters and lands of Muslims, which the […]