All posts filed under: Islamic Culture

FB Q&A: The Permissible is Clear and the Forbidden is Clear

Question: Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh Our Ameer and our beloved, may Allah be pleased with you and protect with that He preserved His Book and His allies. It was mentioned in the ‘Dosiya’ of “Removing Dust from the Roots”, p. 58, the first paragraph of the Hadith, الْحَلاَلُ بَيِّنٌ وَالْحَرَامُ بَيِّنٌ“What is permissible is […]

FB Q&A: The Reality of Hizb ut Tahrir After the Establishment of the Khilafah (Caliphate)

Question: Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh It is stated in the Introduction to the Draft Constitution, Article 21: Muslims have the right to establish political parties to hold rulers accountable, or to reach power through the Ummah. The question is: If the party that assumed power had a partisan political program, would it implement […]

Rabi ul-Awwal’s Lessons for the Muslims in General, and their Military Officers in Particular

O Muslims! The appointing of Muhammad (saw) as the Mercy to all Humankind, the final Prophet and Messenger occurred during Rabi ul-Awwal. Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Hussein bin Ali Masudi (d.: 346 AH) narrated in his book, التنبيه والإشراف “Warning and Nobility” as follows,

FB Q&A: Change of the I’rab (الإعراب), Conjugation, and Rational Opposition To Abdallah Fakir

Question: Our honorable sheikh, may Allah preserve him, and grant victory through him. Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu I have a question in the book The Islamic Personality, Volume Three, on the subject of “Conflict with What Disrupts Understanding”: When saying that audio evidence does not benefit certainty except after ten conditions…, what is […]

FB Q&A: Will the Kaffir (disbeliever) be Rewarded for the Good Deeds he has Done Before Becoming a Muslim?

Question: Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu, Our Sheikh, may Allah have mercy on you, I have a question: We know that when a Kafir (disbeliever) converts to Islam, all his sins are erased, so what about the good he did while being Kafir? Through explaining the story of the Messenger, on the authority of […]

Tafseer Al-Baqarah [2: 243-245]

From the Book, Introduction to the Tafseer of the Quran, by the Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir, Eminent Jurist and Statesman, Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah [أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الْمَلَإ مِنْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مُوسَى إِذْ قَالُوا لِنَبِيٍّ لَهُمْ ابْعَثْ لَنَا مَلِكًا نُقَاتِلْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ قَالَ هَلْ عَسَيْتُمْ إِنْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمْ الْقِتَالُ أَلاَّ […]

FB Q&A: The Mujadid of the Era the Great Scholar Taqiudeen An-Nabahani

Question: Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh I ask Allah to bring the victory by your hands soon, for He is the Guardian and the All Able. My question is about the concept of renewal mentioned in the Hadith of the Messenger (saw) إن الله يبعث على رأس كل سنة من يجدد لهذه الأمة دينها“At […]

FB Q&A: The Difference Between Prophets and Messengers, Peace Be Upon Them

Question: Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh In the book, The Islamic Personality, the first part of the chapter of the Prophets and Messengers, page 130, it states: “Thus, Musa (as) was a Prophet because he was inspired with a Shari’ah and a Messenger because this Shari’ah was for his mission. On the other hand, […]

Tafseer Al-Baqarah (2: 243-245)

Tafseer Al-Baqarah (2: 243-245) From the Book, Introduction to the Tafseer of the Quran, by the Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir, Eminent Jurist and Statesman, Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah [أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ خَرَجُوا مِن دِيَارِهِمْ وَهُمْ أُلُوفٌ حَذَرَ الْمَوْتِ فَقَالَ لَهُمُ اللَّهُ مُوتُوا ثُمَّ أَحْيَاهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَذُو فَضْلٍ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ […]

Nussrah: The Shara’i Method to Assume Authority for the Establishment of Khilafah

Al-Waie Magazine Issue 258-259, Rajab-Shaban 1429 AH, July and August 2008 Allah (swt) has bestowed the early Muslims with His honor, decreed rewards for them and made mention of their praise in the Noble Qur’an. He (swt) called two brotherly groups, who accomplished the mission of establishing the Islamic State, as the Muhajirin and Ansar. […]

Beware of Attempts to Make a “British Islam” and a “British Eid”

The secular establishment in Britain has a long track record of defaming Islam and Muslims in the vain hope that people will turn away from it. But, Alhamdulillah, Allah (swt) has guided many people in Britain to see through their plans and embrace Islam during this blessed month of Ramadan. [وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ ٱللَّهُ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ […]

“And each of them will return to Him on the Day of Judgment all alone”

[وَكُلُّهُمْ آتِيهِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَرْداً] “And each of them will return to Him on the Day of Judgment all alone” At-Tabari says in the tafseer of Allah’s saying: [وَكُلُّهُمْ آتِيهِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَرْداً] “And each of them will return to Him on the Day of Judgment all alone” [TMQ Maryam:95].

Zakat Between the Islamic System and the Secular Houthi System

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, it is obligatory according to the Book, the Sunnah, and the consensus of the Companions. In the Quran, Allah (swt) says: [وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُواْ الزَّكَاةَ] “And establish prayer and give zakāh1 and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]” [Al-Baqara: 43].

FB Q&A: Casting Doubt in Lailat ul-Qadr (the Night of Decree)

Question:Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh May Allah support you. Someone says that Lailat ul-Qadr is the night of the revelation of the Qur’an, and it has passed and this alleged Lailat ul-Qadr does not exist, according to him. This is the text of the article: (“As for Lailat ul-Qadr, it has come in history […]

Deen is Naseehah – Abandoning Naseehah is Musibah

It was narrated that Tamim Ad-Dari said: “The Messenger of Allah said: «الدِّينُ النَّصِيحَةُ» قُلْنَا: لِمَنْ؟ قَالَ: «لِلَّهِ، وَلِكِتَابِهِ، وَلِرَسُولِهِ، وَلِأَئِمَّةِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَعَامَّتِهِمْ» ‘Religion is sincerity (An-Nasihah).’ They said: ‘To whom, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said: ‘To Allah, to His Book, to His Messenger, to the imams of the Muslims, and to their common […]