All posts tagged: interest rates

The Economic Problem in Jordan is Primarily a Political Problem, and it will not be solved except by the Islamic Economic System with the return of the Khilafah State

It was never unexpected that the House of Representatives, with a rate of 75% of the attendees, would approve the general budget law for the fiscal year 2023, despite the harsh criticism of the bill during the 3-day debate sessions due to the financial deficit, the high riba (usury) of public debt, and the absence […]

Not the Heterodox Approaches, but the Economic System of Islam will Save Turkey

Nureddin Nebati, Minister of Treasury and Finance, who made an opening speech at the “Economic Transformation and New Paradigms Summit” hosted by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, presented statements regarding the economy. Minister Nebati interpreted the economy by using eccentrical loanwords and used these statements: “The heterodox approach, which represents an epistemological break from […]

Being a “Huge Zionist” means Supporting a Brutal and Illegal Occupation

In the midst of a failing economy, double digit inflation, escalating mortgage rates, higher energy bills, a tax U-turn, rising debt, a pension fund liquidity crisis, a war in Ukraine, a depreciating currency, increased immigration and sinking polling numbers, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (and perhaps half of her cabinet) found time […]

US Inflation Shock as Americans Keep Paying More for Food with nothing but the Prospect of Unemployment to Look Forward to if the Federal Reserve Policies are Successful

Today, President Joe Biden issued a statement about the rising Consumer Price Index (CPI) in September. He painted disappointing data about the US economy in a surprisingly positive manner: “Today’s data show more progress in bringing global inflation down in the US economy.  Overall, prices have been essentially flat in our country these last two […]