All posts tagged: drought

Drought Threatens More than Half of the Earth’s Population in Just a Quarter of a Century!

UNICEF states, “Four billion people — almost two thirds of the world’s population —  experience severe water scarcity for at least one month each year… Half of the world’s population could be living in areas facing water scarcity by as early as 2025.” On a planet that is made up of more than 70 percent […]

Muslim Women of Yemen are Left to be Eaten by the Stray Dogs Without the Khilafah

The BBC recently released an update on the situation of Yemeni women by recounting the story of Umm Adel, who lives in Sanaa. She explained that she has a daily struggle navigating the dangerous back streets to walk home as the area is ridden with starving wild dogs who attack people at random and are […]

When the Number One State Seeks to Regain its Position and Prestige after its Humiliating Withdrawal from Afghanistan:Data and Statistics Show that it is a Weak, Poor Country Threatened with Starvation

In a joint press release, the World Food Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that humanitarian assistance averted disaster in Afghanistan’s harsh winter months, but hunger persists across the country at all levels. A new analysis shows that about 19.7 million people, representing nearly half of Afghanistan’s population, suffer from acute hunger.

Colonial Policies Threaten a Humanitarian Catastrophe in the Syrian Regions

“Five million people are affected by the ongoing water crisis” in north and northeast Syria, the United Nations said Tuesday, October 5, and called for a “multi-sectoral response” worth $251 million to help 3.4 million of the most affected people over the next six months. Only $51 million has been received so far.

Why does Indonesia’s abundance of water still leave millions of citizens without a supply?

On the 27th of August, the BBC uploaded a film investigating the current drought situation gripping Indonesia. It is affecting millions of residents even though there is an abundance of water in the nation. It is reported that supply is not able to meet the demand in the summer months when many natural sources in […]