All posts tagged: anniversary

The Women’s Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Launch an International Campaign: “Real Change is ONLY Through the Call for Khilafah”

Today, the world is in chaos and darkness, near and far. Human suffering and misery deepens by the day as nations plunge from crisis to crisis. Poverty, financial insecurity, starvation, genocides, brutal occupations, dictatorships, senseless wars, family breakdown, destructive lifestyles, crime epidemics, violence against women, health and education crises and other crippling problems afflict lands […]

On the Eleventh Anniversary of the Start of the Blessed Ash-Sham RevolutionThere is no Alternative to Overthrowing the Regime and Establishing the Rule of Islam the Khilafah Rashidah upon the Method of the Prophethood

The eleventh anniversary of the start of the blessed Ash-Sham revolution is upon us, and we are sure that Allah Almighty will not fail a revolution that gave the most valuable and precious in His way, a revolution that came out of its masjids, and called out in the loudest voice “It is for Allah, […]