All posts tagged: Yalova

Leaders Do Not Fill the Post of One Caliph!

The genocide carried out by Jews against Muslims, which completed its sixth week in Gaza today, is still ongoing under the silence of the cowardly rulers of Muslim countries, with the support of the colonial America and the Western kaffir states. For exactly six weeks, death has been raining down on Muslims in Gaza; Homes, […]

Yalova (Turkey): Panel Discussion to Discuss the Islamic Solution to the Economic Crisis

Within the framework of the series of conferences, seminars and panels organized by Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Turkey under the title “The Islamic Solution to the Economic Crisis”, coinsiding with the 101 anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah (Caliphate) in the 28th of Rajab 1342 AH, the party met with representatives of political […]

Call from 21 Cities for Armies to Advance to Al-Aqsa to Stand up against the Jews!

The acts of looting and usurpation that the occupying Jewish entity began in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in Jerusalem [al-Quds] at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, then turned into mass massacres. As a result of this assault on innocent civilians in Jerusalem and Gaza with shells and bombs, 248 martyrs were killed, including […]