All posts tagged: Palestine Liberation Organization

Muslims Reject Abbas’s Pathetic Pleas for Help as a Humiliation

“Palestinian leader calls on world to ‘protect us,’ and his people respond with bitter laughter” according to CNN on the 14th of July after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas belatedly visited Jenin long after the ‘Israeli’ Defense Forces finished their killing spree and left the area. People were deeply critical of Abbas’s impotence, and his earlier […]

The Taliban Leadership Started from Oslo Where the Traitors of the Palestine Liberation Organization Began

The Taliban Leadership will End Upon What the PLO Concluded with, A Great Betrayal against Islam and Muslims Taliban and Western diplomats are holding a meeting outside Norway’s capital Oslo for talks focused on Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis, which has escalated drastically since last August when the Taliban stormed back to power 20 years after being […]

The Third Legislative Elections, A New Chapter in the Liquidation of the Palestine Issue

The Palestinian factions met in Cairo and agreed to hold the legislative, presidential and National Council elections. Will these elections be like the previous ones, a new chapter in the chapters of the liquidation of the Palestine issue and empowerment of the Jewish entity?