Analysis, Featured

Views on the News – 20 June 2015


  • Dutch Anti-Islam Politician Geert Wilders Vows to Broadcast Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad on TV
  • Hate Crimes Against Muslims in Britain Spike After Charlie Hebdo Attacks
  • World War 3 Has Begun – Pope Francis

Dutch Anti-Islam Politician Geert Wilders Vows to Broadcast Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad on TV

Publicity-seeking Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders is to broadcast cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad on television during time reserved for political parties, his party says. The cartoons will be shown on Dutch public television on Saturday, Mr Wilders’ Freedom Party (PVV) said on Friday, adding that they would be repeated on June 24 and July 3. Mr Wilders said he was making the broadcasts to defend freedom of speech after two militants were shot dead while attacking a Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas last month. Muslims find drawings of the prophet to be disrespectful or outright blasphemous and Dutch authorities have said such a move could see Mr Wilders’ right to airtime suspended for up to four years. Dutch embassies have reportedly been warned about what measures to take if the cartoons are broadcast, as they could spark violent protests. Mr Wilders, who gave an anti-Islam speech at the Texas event shortly before the attack, had tried to get the parliament to stage an exhibition of Muhammad caricatures. The platinum-haired politician, whose PVV gained popularity in the Netherlands on an anti-Islam ticket, has denied that a cartoon exhibition would be provocative. The Dutch Media Authority provides airtime to parties to make political statements, but has said it only looks at the content of the broadcasts after they are shown. If a judge decides that a hate crime has been committed then the authority can withdraw a party’s right to airtime for up to four years. Ever since forming his own party in 2006, Mr Wilders has been a divisive figure in the Netherlands, which prides itself on its long but fading tradition of multicultural tolerance. The firebrand politician says he is acting in the name of freedom of speech, but also that he wants the Koran banned. [Source: Sydney Morning Herald]

Due to the lack of decisive action by the rulers of the Muslim world, Western politicians like Wilders continue to openly mock Islam. What would happen if the GCC rulers stopped oil exports to Holland and other Western countries that continue to vilify Islam?


Hate crimes Against Muslims in Britain Spike After Charlie Hebdo Attacks

Muslims in Britain are becoming the target of hate crimes in retribution for terrorist attacks around the world, according to a new report based on the latest figures for anti-Muslim attacks. The study by Teesside University found that children as young as 10 have been involved in hate-crime attacks and incidents, although most perpetrators were identified as being over 40. The latest data for anti-Muslim incidents in Britain from the Tell Mama project reveals that there were noticeable spikes in the immediate aftermath of the high-profile terrorist attacks in Paris, Sydney, and Copenhagen in the past year. The Tell Mama (Measuring anti-Muslim attacks) figures, which have previously been cited by the home secretary, Theresa May, show that there were 548 incidents reported from March 2014 to February 2015. These ranged from online abuse and threats, to street-based assaults and extreme violence. The 548 incidents reported in 2014-15 compares with 734 cases reported to Tell Mama during 2013-14. The study’s authors, Prof Matthew Feldman and Dr Mark Littler, say that the reduction is most likely to be accounted for by the enormous spike in attacks on Muslims in the weeks following the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby on 22 May 2013: “The overall number of reports is consistent with the picture presented in 2012-13, when 584 cases were reported.” The study, by Teesside University’s centre for fascist, anti-fascist and post-fascist studies, says that fewer than half of the 548 recorded incidents were reported to the police by victims. Most of the incidents – 402 – took place online but most of the physical attacks were against women, and in a significant number of cases, the victim was wearing distinctively Muslim clothing. They included 21 cases of assault, 29 threats and 15 cases of damage to property. The online attacks included anti-Muslim abuse and the dissemination of anti-Muslim literature. Littler added: “Findings also suggest that where the media stress the Muslim background of attackers, and devote significant coverage to it, the violent response is likely to be greater than in cases where the motivation of the attackers are downplayed or rejected in favour of alternative explanations. The latter appears to be the case with the Sydney perpetrator, who was swiftly and repeatedly identified as mentally ill.” [Source: The Guardian]

Once again, it is the Western media that is fueling attacks against Muslims residing in the West. The daily diet of Islamophobia is leaving an indelible impression on Westerners that all Muslims are terrorists. Contrast this, with the racist Christian who recently gunned down nine black people in a Church, but no media organization is labelling it a terrorist act.


World War 3 Has Begun – Pope Francis

Recently, Pope Francis said he believed that World War 3 has already begun little by little across the globe. He said “the reality of many armed conflicts presently is affecting our world.” “They are a kind of Third World War being fought piecemeal and, in the context of global communications, we sense an atmosphere of war,” the Pope said during a mass at Kosevo Stadium in Saravejo. Pope Francis said that the “atmosphere of war” is fueled by politicians and people with ulterior motives. “Some wish to incite and foment this atmosphere deliberately, mainly those who want conflict between different cultures and societies, and those who speculate on wars for the purpose of selling arms,” he said. These inciters of war clearly disregard the peril that they bring, the Pope said. “War means children, women and the elderly in refugee camps; it means forced displacement of peoples; it means destroyed houses, streets and factories; it means, above all, countless shattered lives,” he warned. The Pope encouraged everyone to be the peacemakers. [Source: Morning News USA]

The real perpetrators behind the World War 3 are the colonialist powers that are interfering all over the world to plunder countries and create an atmosphere of WW 3. Take Syria for example, five years on and one can safely say that Syria is where WW3 has truly begun. Europe, Russia, China, America, and regional countries have all joined forces to subdue the Syrian people uprising against Assad. Assad’s chemical attacks and barrel bombs openly violate the red lines set by the US, but no action is taken. Pope Francis would do well to start putting the West’s house in order by exposing the real culprits that have initiated WW3.