All posts tagged: expression

The Muslim Ummah will never “normalize” the violation of sanctities. Instead, the Khilafah (Caliphate) Will Force the Evil Hands and Tongues to Fall Still.

The West is relentlessly attacking Islam. It desecrates the honor of the Messenger of Allah (saw), by drawing cartoons, and the Noble Quran, by burning. This is so that Muslims become desensitized and “normalize” the violation of Islam’s sanctities. This series of assaults started in the recent era with Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasrin.It continued […]

The Role of Individual Reform in the Revival of the Ummah

Before setting the context of this article, two terminologies need to be defined, namely, “Individual Reform” and “Revival of the Ummah”. “Individual Reform” refers to the change in the Individual components related to Individual Ibadaat (worships) like Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), etc. It also includes other individualistic actions like Mu’amalat (relations/transactions), Akhlaq (ethics) and actions […]