All posts tagged: contract

The Houthis Follow in the Footsteps of their Counterparts in Muslim Countries in the Social System!!

The daily newspaper Al-Thawra, issued in Sanaa on Thursday, December 21, 2023, published a directive from the Chief of the Judicial Inspection Authority, Judge Ahmed Al-Shahari. The directive was addressed to the heads and judges of the appellate and primary courts, instructing them to prohibit the issuance of marriage confirmation judgments for Yemeni nationals marrying […]

FB Q&A: The Shari’ Ruling on Engagement Parties before Marriage Contract

Question: Assalamu Alaikum, A question about a phenomenon that has become prevalent among us, which is making a party after what is known as reciting Al-Fatihah or the proposal (Tulbah), in which the fiancée wears a gown and displays her Zeena (charms) like a bride, wears rings, dances and other things before the marriage contract […]

Enough of your Destruction of the Generations, Morals and Values

“In a statement issued on 31/7/2019, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Work Committees, the female framework of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, denounced the position of Hizb ut Tahrir on the Palestinian government’s direction to adopt a law that raises the age of marriage of Palestinian women to 18. The statement considered […]