All posts tagged: zina

The Gulf Regimes Compete to Become World Capitals in Fahisha

On the 20th December, the media reported that the Ministry of Culture and Youth in the United Arab Emirates halted the censorship of nudity and other lewd scenes in movies played in its cinemas. Last year, the Gulf state granted unmarried people the right to live together and eased alcohol purchase and consumption controls. Meanwhile, […]

Q&A: The Punishment of Muhsan Zani [the married adulterer] in Islam

Question: Assalamualaikum War. Wab. yes Sheikh wa Amiruna. I would like to ask a question, hopefully you will answer it. Regarding the death penalty for Muhson, is Qothie categorized in Fiqh Islam? There are some scholars such as Sheikh Abu Zahrah who do not categorize it as Hudud punishment. It is even supported by Sheikh […]