All posts tagged: thomas nides

Q&A: Bin Salman and Normalization with the Jews

On 21/9/2023, BBC News Arabic broadcast on its website: (The Saudi Crown Prince announced in an interview with the American Fox News network, excerpts of which were broadcast on Wednesday, that the Kingdom is “making progress” towards normalization with Israel. He said: “Every day we are getting closer and closer to normalization of relations with […]

The Islamic Aqeedah is Rooted in the People of the Islamic Ummah and They Know their Enemies, No Matter What the Rulers Claim Otherwise

The Washington Institute’s website defines itself as follows: “The Washington Institute seeks to promote a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East and advance the policies that secure them.” Securing American interests to maintain its position as the leading nation in the world requires for them the necessity of domination and […]