All posts tagged: stocks

Looking for Solutions from the Capitalist System, the Source of Crises, is Like Holding on to a Spider’s Web!

Türkiye’s Medium-Term Program (MPP), which presents the 3-year roadmap of the economy, has been announced. The government, which announced its main macroeconomic targets such as inflation, employment and growth for the period 2024-2026, lowered its growth expectations compared to the previous period and raised its inflation forecast.

Tunisia: Annual Khilafah Conference 2022: The Economic Vision of Hizb ut Tahrir

The world of today is still living on the impact of renewed economic crises, but it continues to be relieved of bad treatments and their distance from the serious issue of the economy, especially in light of the control of the global capitalist system and its global banks and funds in the paths of countries, […]