All posts tagged: pharoah

The Jewish Entity Resumes the Massacres of Our People in the Blessed Land of Palestine, Whilst Hundreds of Thousands of Our Soldiers Are Restrained in their Barracks!!

The regime of the Egyptian Firawn, aided and abetted by the rulers of Qatar, sprang into action, under the beck and call of the master of the Jewish entity, and the master of the Firawn of Egypt, the head of kufr, America. They mobilized to “liberate” Jewish prisoners. This is whilst decades have passed, within […]

Niqab Bans are a Political Veil Covering the Real Agenda of Limiting Islamic Expression

On the 12th of September, the BBC reported that the Egyptian government has banned female students from wearing the niqab, a face-covering veil, at schools, according to state-owned media. Education Minister Reda Hegazy’s statement, released on Monday and quoted by the government-owned Ahram Newspaper, said students have an “optional” right to choose if they will […]