All posts tagged: Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert

Liberation of the Country is only Possible by uprooting the Occupier and its Roots: Militarily, Politically, Economically, and Culturally

Since the US forces’ occupation of Iraq in 2003, Iraq has been suffering under America’s control, which has tightened its grip on the country. It maintains control over its security and economy through two issues: First: Resolution 13303 concerning Iraq in 2003, a decree through which the state of national emergency related to the situation […]

Hennis-Plasschaert: Corruption in Iraq: “Systemic”

This was stated by the representative of the United Nations in Iraq. Yes, Hennis-Plasschaert; corruption in Iraq exists according to a system created by America since the first day of its occupation of Iraq. After it developed a constitution for it that regulates this corruption to create chaos and destruction in the country, which is […]