All posts tagged: Adnan Khan

SPECIAL REPORT: US Grand Designs on Pakistan


الَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ النَّاسُ إِنَّ النَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُواْ لَكُمْ فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَاناً وَقَالُواْ حَسْبُنَا اللّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ

"Those whose faith only increased when people said, ‘Fear your enemy: they have amassed a great army against you,' and who replied, ‘Allah is enough for us: He is the best protector." Al-Imran, 3:173

Download the full report here.



Pakistan since its inception has faced one crisis after another. It has continued to stumble from one problem to another due to never having a leadership with the capability or the will to tackle Pakistan's problems head on. Today, Pakistan faces a situation which is unprecedented in its history. From some perspectives Pakistan's inability to deal holistically with its problems has compounded its current woes. US plans for Pakistan are fast reaching boiling point, with the Mumbai attacks accelerating attempts by the US to weaken Pakistan.

The Doha Round: The Battle over Trade

The Doha round of talks began once again on the 21st July; the Doha Development Round is the trade negotiations of the World Trade Organisation. The round originally commenced at Doha, Qatar in November 2001 and negotiations continue today. Its objective is to lower trade barriers around the world, permitting free trade between countries of varying prosperity. As 152 countries converged on Geneva, talks continue to stall over a divide between the developed nations led by the European Union, the United States and Japan and the major developing countries led and represented mainly by India, Brazil, China and South Africa.

This Rajab is the time to remember the Khilafah’s Track Record

indonesia_khilafah_conf.jpgOn the 87th anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah Islam is being discussed and debated by the whole world. Some consider it a menace whilst others view it as a religion which has little to say on public life. After removing the concept from the minds of Muslims the Kufaar have been unable to remove it from history. Many of the arguments by those who harbour hatred against the return of the Khilafah are based upon the Khilafah’s track record.


New Book: The Global Credit Crunch and the Crisis of Capitalism The Global credit crunch, food crisis and oil crisis has once again highlighted the fragility of Capitalism, as the fallout from the credit crunch and the wider economic crisis continues, demands for alternatives are certain to grow.  The aim of this book, written by […]