Analysis, Middle East, Side Feature

Russia Regards Syria as a Slaughterhouse and Shooting Gallery with live targets

The Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry in Russia Maria Zakharova expressed outrage over the publication in the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet, of an the interview with Alparslan Celik, who said that he shot the commander of the Russian crew Su-24 recently downed in Syria. She said, “One of the leading, national newspapers in Turkey has provided a platform for a murderer and a terrorist which brags about abuses committed, for the dissemination of nationalist ideology, full of hatred for Russia and the Russian people.”


The statement of the representative to the Russian Foreign Ministry is disgusting hypocrisy by Russia, and a prime example of a false and shameless attitude towards the operation against Muslims in Syria. I would like to ask the Foreign Ministry a quite reasonable question: “Who gave you permission to invade the Muslim territory? By what right do you think it permissible to bomb Muslims, and even have the audacity to demand from them not to resist your evil deeds? ”

Did the pilots of Su-24 not throw bombs on the heads of the civilian population? I wonder, what response Russia expected to the bombing of the Syrian people. Would people who just lost their nearest and dearest, their homes and all their property meet that pilot who had been bombing them with open arms, feed him and take him to the Russian airbase Hmeymim in Latakia?

Russia demands to detain and punish Alparslan for the murder of the pilot and the military involvement in a foreign country’s territory, while itself is involved in at least two military campaigns on the territories of other states, South-East of Ukraine and Syria! Do these people not have a shred of shame or embarrassment?

Recently, the Russian political leadership increasingly showed its false and ugly face, which demonstrates their attitude to Muslims seeing them as cannon fodder, like animals in a slaughterhouse who should not even fight back. This was evident in Putin’s statement at the press conference 12.17.2015, when he said: “The Russian Military forces may train long enough in Syria without prejudice to the budget.” It means that, according to the president of Russia, Syria – is a training camp, and the Muslims of Syria are live targets, which you can murder at the same time and not bear any responsibility for. And then they even have the audacity and demand punishment for those who defended their lives, homes and families!

Russia supports the criminal Assad, who killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, the ruler who has committed a genocide against his own people recognized by all human rights organizations. Russia calls it a legitimate government, although Assad, even with America, its assistants and Russia controls only 14% of the Syrian territory! Today the world has become witness to the greatest crimes in the Middle East, for which in due time everyone will have to answer for.

Let every enemy of the revolution in Sham, the heart of the land of Islam, know that the Syrian people have faith in their Lord, and all attacks of the unbelievers will turn against them. Let the thinking people pay attention to the fact that the revolution in Syria has been going on for more than 5 years, which in fact is one of the longest revolutions in human history. The enemies of Islam are fighting day and night, and use the most advanced military technology against those who practically have nothing besides  faith in Allah, and at the enemies still manage to lose. Do these facts not force those who have a shred of consciousness to reflect?

The Almighty Allah said:

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لاَ تُفْسِدُواْ فِي الأَرْضِ قَالُواْ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ * أَلا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَكِن لاَّ يَشْعُرُونَ

“When they are told, ‘Do not cause corruption on the earth,’ they say, ‘We are only putting things right.’ No indeed! They are the corrupters, but they are not aware of it.”

(Al-Baqara, 2:11-12)

Umar Farsiy