
Arrested – Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey arrested for demonstration

Shabab (activists) of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Turkey use only words to challenge the regime but are cruelly arrested – Where is the freedom of speech that Europe professes?

In a sign of great determination and restraint shabab of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the Turkish city of Wan openly address a massive crowd after Friday prayers. In the video it can be seen that a handful of the brave shabab addressed a crowd of many hundreds maybe thousands in spite of the presence of intelligence officers who were swarming around them.

 Due to the immense support for the shabab the intelligence officers were unable to detain them while they were speaking but had to wait after they had finished. The crowd can be heard booing and jeering the actions of the intelligence officers however the shabab showed great restraint and remained committed to the non-violent method of Rasool Allah (saw). They neither fought back nor did they fear being arrested. They are the epitome of Hizb ut-Tahrir, who show defiance and bravery but restrict themselves to the non-violent method despite the intimidation and provocation that they are faced with.

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