
HT Pakistan Rawalpindi demonstration – Uproot Musharraf Bring Back Khilafah

Near Lal Haveli in Rawalpindi Hizb ut Tahrir Pakistan held a demonstration entitled "Uproot Musharraf, Bring Back Khilafat".

Members of Hizb ut Tahrir led the Ummah in this act of defiance of the current state of emergency where such demonstrations are banned. The participants of the demonstration called on the people of power to rise up and overthrow Musharraf and to support Hizb ut Tahrir in establishing the Khilafah which is what the Ummah is yearning for. The speaker said that the Ummah doesn't want dictatorship nor democracy but a new alternative, a system that is sent by Allah (swt) and which was implemented by Rasoolullah (SAW) and the Khulafaa Rashideen after him. The whole protest went peacefully (as seen in the videos) and at the end, the protesters dispersed peacefully



