Activism, Side Feature, South Asia

Every Ummah that places Protectiveness in its Men, Maintenance will be placed in its Women

The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir launched a campaign titled: “Free Our Imprisoned Sisters from the Dungeons of Bangladesh”, and it is a mass campaign aimed to mobilize the public opinion against the brutal and unjust regime of Hasina and to pressure it to release them.

The Bangladesh regime has gone overboard in its violations against the Da’wah carriers in order to cover their mouths and silence their voices that speak the truth. So many of them were arrested, imprisoned, and many were tortured… It considers this to being successful in clamping its iron fist and enforcing its tyranny upon the people with metal and fire, but the sounds of Haqq are steadfast and will not be bent off its path despite the tyranny, injustice, threat, or promises… The path has been made clear to its people, whether men or women, everyone is working and no one is resting, as there is no rest until the goal has been achieved: the arbitration of Allah’s Shari’ and expelling all what was legislated apart from it.

This is the path of Hizb ut Tahrir and upon this its members have been raised: sacrificing with souls, money, and everything they own in order to raise the Word of Allah سبحانه وتعالى up high, ruling with His Deen, and confronting the infidel tyrants and their agents and exposing them and their conspiracies.

Hizb ut Tahrir works towards resuming the Islamic lifestyle by establishing the second Khilafah state upon the method of Prophethood, which aims with all this to restore the grace of this Ummah and its honor as “we are the people whom Allah honored with Islam, so if we seek honor in anything else, Allah will disgrace us.”

Those who are working for retrieving the honor of the Ummah are always trying to publically expose the injustice of the governments and the current systems that aim to reinforce the foundations of the disbelievers, and show to the people what is being planned against the Ummah so that it remains humiliated and ill, running after nations in order to follow them even if it has to enter the hole of the lizard.

This is the Ummah which had a land and had a dignity where the blood that runs in the veins would be spilt for it, but today, what happened to this Ummah and what is happening in these veins?? Has the blood turned into water???

For only one woman, a whole array of armies has been mobilized due to protectiveness and chivalry, so they marched and moved unremittingly just for a call for help… The calls of women for help and their screams lead to conquests and establishing the Deen of Allah سبحانه وتعالى on many lands; as our honorable Prophet ﷺ mobilized the army of Medina to take revenge for a Muslim woman whose dignity was violated by a Jew, and the scream: “O Hajajah!” was enough to conquest India, Sindh, and Ammouriyya was also conquested with a scream: “O Mu’tasim!”

Today, women are being arrested and dignities are being violated, but there’s no one to respond to the screams, calls for help, and yells, but rather he might be saying:

Sorry, O sister, as our women have become impotent and did not become pregnant with a new Mu’tasim!

Horrible events are reaching the Muslim women in all corners of the world; in Palestine, Egypt, Burma, Iraq, Syria, Bangladesh, etc. The list is getting longer as long as the wait!! It is the wait for the armies of the Ummah to rescue the women from the paws of the nasty enemies.

O Ummah of Islam, what good is awaited from you if your men do not protect your women? What grace we are to expect from you if you don’t honor the woman and make sure she’s not insulted by the tyrants?

The heart is broken due to how the situation of the Muslim women has reached, and the eyes tear for what they see from violations to their dignities:

My Ummah how many bloody heartbreaks *** have choked the call for your surmount in my mouth

Listen to the sobbing of the sad ones and rejoice *** and look at the tears of the orphans and smile

And leave the leaders in their desires *** dedicated to the despicable gains

Lord, O Mu’tasim has went off *** filling the mouths of the orphan girls

It has touched their ears but it *** did not touch the chivalry of Al-Mu’tasim

That is why Hizb ut Tahrir is launching this campaign to motivate the efforts in order to touch the chivalry of Al-Mu’tasim, so he will call: “I shall respond, O sister!” and raise the efforts so the Ummah will regain its honor and become on the top of the mountains.

So, O Ummah of Islam! Each Ummah that places protectiveness in its men, maintenance will be placed over its women.

So, O men of this Ummah, get up and unleash the captivity of your sisters, as this achieves your honor and dignity and via it your state upon the method of the Prophethood will return.


Zeina As-Samit