Analysis, Featured, Middle East

Erdogan, where do you stand if not with the people of Aleppo?

Turkey’s President Erdogan recently visited the tomb of Karimov the Butcher of Andijan: who imprisoned, tortured and killed Muslims in Uzbekistan.


Was he not aware that Karimov had slaughtered hundreds of Muslims in Andijan in 2005?

Was he also not aware that Karimov had placed thousands of Muslims, men and women, in jails for over ten and fifteen years and longer, subjecting them to severe torture including boiling to death, in some cases leading to martyrdom, just because they demand the implementation of Islam on the land of Imam Bukhari?

Is this not the same as what is taking place in Syria for over half a decade?

So now why does he, Erdogan, not stand with the Muslims of Aleppo who are facing intensified bombings by the regime of Syria and the Bear (Russia) to smother the revolution and force upon the people the US plan?

Is he deaf, dumb and blind to the screams of Aleppo’s people?

Or is it the case that he, Erdogan, and his government have made it clear that it does not stand with the friends of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and Muhammad ﷺ, rather they stand with the open enemies of the believers whether they are dead or alive. It should be noted that this decision will ruin their fate in this world and the Hereafter as Allah سبحانه وتعالى says:

أَفَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِبَعْضِ الْكِتَابِ وَتَكْفُرُونَ بِبَعْضٍ ۚ فَمَا جَزَاءُ مَنْ يَفْعَلُ ذَٰلِكَ مِنْكُمْ إِلَّا خِزْيٌ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ يُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ أَشَدِّ الْعَذَابِ ۗ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ

“Do you, then, believe in one part of the Book and reject the other? What repayment will there be for any of you who do that except disgrace in this world? And on the Day of Rising, they will be returned to the harshest of punishments. Allah is not unaware of what you do.”

(Al-Baqara, 2:85)


Abdul Nasser