Daily Hadith


Ahmad reported via Mus’ab b. Sa’d from his father who said: ‘I said: O Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: which people are tested most?’ He صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

الأنبياءُ ثُمَّ الصالحون ثُمَّ الأمث ُ ل فالأمث ُ ل من الناس يُبتلى الرج ُ ل على حسب دِينه »
فإن كان في دينه صَلابٌَة زِيدَ في بلائه وإن كان في دينه رِقٌَّة خُفِّفَ عنه وما يزال البلاء
.« بالعبد حتى يمشي على ظهر الأرض ليس عليه خطيئة

“The Prophets come first, then the righteous, then the next best, then the next best of people. A man will be tested on account of his adherence to the Deen. If he is strong in his commitment, he will be more sorely tested, and if there is some weakness in his commitment the test will be lightened for him. A man will continue to be tested until he walks upon the face of the earth with no sin on him.”