Daily Hadith


“Whoever awakens and his concern is not for Allah, he does not belong to Allah.” And, “Whoever awakens not concerned with Muslims is not from them.”

 عن ابن مسعود -رضي الله تعالى عنه عن النبي -صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم- قال

من أصبح وهمه غير الله فليس من الله في شيء، ومن لم يهتم للمسلمين فليس منهم

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Whoever awakens and his concern is not for Allah, he does not belong to Allah.” And, “Whoever awakens not concerned with Muslims is not from them.”

Narrated by ibn Masud in Al-Hakim’s Mustadrak