Daily Hadith


There will be after me Khulafaa who act according to what they know (from Islam) and do what they were ordered and there will be after them Khulafaa who will act according to what they do not know and do what they were not ordered (with), so whoever rejects them is innocent from them, and whoever holds themselves (from following them) is safe, but the one who is pleased with them and follows them (is blameworthy)

Forbiddance of being content with un-Islamic rule

سيكون من بعدي خلفاء يعملون بما يعلمون ويفعلون ما يؤمرون وسيكون من بعدهم خلفاء يعملون ما لا يعلمون ويفعلون ما لا يؤمرون فمن أنكر برئ ومن أمسك سلم ولكن من رضي وتابع

There will be after me Khulafaa who act according to what they know (from Islam) and do what they were ordered and there will be after them Khulafaa who will act according to what they do not know and do what they were not ordered (with), so whoever rejects them is innocent from them, and whoever holds themselves (from following them) is safe, but the one who is pleased with them and follows them (is blameworthy)

(Ibn Hibban)


a. Whoever witnesses the corruption of the implementation Islam by the rulers and condemns it, either by trying to change it with their hand or speaking against it with their tongue, is free from the sin of the ruler.

b. The same is applied to the one who is unable to condemn the wrongdoing, due to fear or lack of ability, as long as they do not participate or support in it.

c. The phrase “ولكن من رضي وتابع” (but the one who is pleased and follows) indicates as explained by Imam Nawawi that the sin falls upon the person who is content with the corruption.

d. In the narration in Muslim the question is asked whether they should be fought against, and the reply of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was “no, as long as they prayed”, and this has been discussed in other sections.

e. It can thus be derived that the sin which fell upon the people who were content, were those people who were content with and followed a ruler who was still implementing Islam but was corrupted, so what of the sin of being content with and following the rulers who have nothing to do with Islam and Islamic rule, whether in the Muslim countries or elsewhere?