
Afghanistan: “The wiping away of the World means less to Allah than a Believer to be killed unjustly.”

Only the Imam or the Khalifah is a shield, behind whom you will fight and protect yourself.

This is the war of Obama and of the Western capitalists against the Muslim Ummah, rich in resources, possessive of the best religion.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Media Office in Afghanistan

Press Release

Date: 12th Rabi ul Awal, 1431 AH

No: 12, 1431

لزوال الدنيا أهون على الله من قتل مؤمن بغير حق

“The wiping away of the World means less to Allah than a Believer to be killed unjustly.” (Ibn Maja)

In an airstrike on Sunday 21 February, NATO troops fired on a convoy of three vehicles in the south near the border of Uruzgan and Dai Kondi, killing at least 27 civilians, four women and a child, injuring another 12. The Afghan cabinet condemned the deaths as an “unjustifiable” act and the NATO commander Stanley McChrystal said in a statement: “I have made it clear to our forces that we are here to protect the Afghan people and inadvertently killing or injuring civilians undermines their trust and confidence in our mission.”

At least another 12 people were killed in a targeted rocket strike the day after the Operation “Mushtarak” this month in the Marja district of Helmand. And finally, more than 25 civilians have been killed in another NATO offensive; thus a total number of more than 60 civilians have been killed in the last few days.

What is the sense of such hypocritical remarks or statements by the occupying generals, saying that they would kill no civilians but doing exactly the opposite? Do they think that we are blind, or are those civilians not humans in their eyes? Are the puppet rulers our protectors? No, they are tyrants and dictators, employed by crusaders not by Muslims. Only the Imam or the Khalifah is a shield, behind whom you will fight and protect yourself.

This is the war of Obama and of the Western capitalists against the Muslim Ummah, rich in resources, possessive of the best religion. Has our prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم not said to us:

إنَّ النَّاسَ إَذا رَأوُا الظَّالِمَ فَلمْ يَأْخُذُوا عَلى يَدَيْهِ أوْشَكَ أن يَعُمَّهُمُ اللَّهُ بعِقَاب

“If the people witness an oppressor and they do not take him by his hands (to prevent him) then they are close to Allah covering them all with punishment.” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, ibn Maja)