Analysis, Featured, South Asia

Afghan-Pak Puppet Regimes Ganged Up to Secure US Interests in the Region

On 12th May 2015, Afghan-Pak leadership met at Kabul to discuss the effects of “Terrorism” upon their countries. Ashraf Ghani, Nawaz Sharif, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif and other senior officials on both sides attended the meetings.

Both Ghani and Sharif echoed the same concern and said at a joint press conference that “Pakistan and Afghanistan face similar threats. Terrorism has hurt both countries. We will have to unite to face common threats.” In addition Nawaz Sharif said, “We are brothers and friends. The enemies of Afghanistan can never be Pakistan’s friends. I am hopeful that we will unite to eliminate terrorism.”

Alas, both rulers shamelessly ignored to mention the real cause of this chaos and Terrorism, which of course is the US and its brutal invasion of Afghanistan and the presence of private security agencies i.e. Raymond Davis Network in Pakistan, Black Water and Mycale Sample Networks in Afghanistan which are crafting and executing all the turmoil and killings in these two countries.

Saying that “neither country would allow their territories to be used against each other, and vowed to act strictly against acts of terrorism from any extremist group” is a pure dictation of their common master. The purpose is to steadily keep the War of Fitnah fresh in this region so that the Armies of Afghanistan and Pakistan could continue killing their own brothers leaving the real enemy unhurt.

The ultimate objective of all such meetings and visits is to eradicate the resistance to foreign occupational forces and have the US military remain in Afghanistan unchallenged to utilize the strategic location of the country to extend its influence upon the whole region.

The US has very cleverly imposed both security and strategic pacts upon the people, using the puppet regime of Afghanistan with the clear trickery that once these are signed, peace will automatically prevail in Afghanistan. Now that the pacts are being signed, the US is using both Afghan and Pak as well as the whole illusion of peace talks to further its evil agenda. Obeying the dictates both the regimes have ganged up against the resistance on both sides of the border, certainly sanctioned by their masters in the USA, to show a united front against the Taliban problem, whilst ignoring their real issue, which is the occupation.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Afghanistan

Wednesday, 24th Rajab 1436 AH

13/05/2015 CE

Ref.: Afg.1436/10