Daily Hadith


“The people of Jannah are three; a ruler who is just, gives alms and brings reconciliation, a man who is soft hearted and compassionate to his relatives and all Muslims, and a man who is chaste and virtuous having lot of children but with little means.”




Muslim reported on the authority of ‘Iyaad b. Himaar رضي الله عنه who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم say:

أهل الجنة ثلاثة: ذو سلطان مقسط متصدق موفق، ورجل رحيم رقيق القلب لكل ذي قربى »
.« ومسلم، وعفيف متعفف ذو عيال

“The people of Jannah are three; a ruler who is just, gives alms and brings reconciliation, a man who is soft hearted and compassionate to his relatives and all Muslims, and a man who is chaste and virtuous having lot of children but with little means.”