Middle East

HT Syria’s Media Office Tour Reveals the Ummah’s Support for Khilafah

The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah of Syria carried out a tour deep in Idlib Province. It included many villages, towns, and cities. The head of the Media Office and its members delivered many speeches, talks, lectures, and seminars that highlighted Hizb ut Tahrir’s project to establish the Khilafah. There were discussions and dialogue regarding the second political paper published by Hizb ut Tahrir/Wilayah of Syria. There were discussions with the people in the streets and squares, the people’s opinion in general agreed on the elimination of the Coalition and its attempts, representatives, and plans. And to reject all those who seek aid from the West and the enemies of the revolution; and that there is no way out for the Ummah except by Islam as a ruling system represented by establishing the Khilafah state in Syria as a nucleus that will expand to the whole Islamic world, by the permission of Allah.

The activities of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Syria were enriched by their guest in this tour, Brother Ismail Al-Wahwah, the Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Australia. Brothers Ismail Al-Wahwah and Hisham Al-Baba delivered many lectures in many towns including: Jerjinaz which was entitled: “Global Conspiracies against the Blessed Revolution of Ash-Sham”. And in Talmnus, which was entiltled: “Together to Overthrow the Tyrant of Ash-Sham and Establish the Rule of Islam”. In Deir Sharqi: “Ash-Sham Revolution between the Ummah’s Aspirations and the Plans of the West”. What was unique in all of them is that people showed support to Hizb ut Tahrir, and had constructive discussions in an atmosphere full of respect and cordiality. The respected of the towns have even invited them to their homes, and were very generous to them; they expressed their regard for the Khilafah and those who work for it.

Brothers Muhammad Musa and Muneer Nasir, members of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Syria, delivered many speeches in various Masjids in these cities that left a positive impression towards the Dawah and Hizb.

In Al-Barrah town in the countryside of Areeha, Brothers Ismail Al-Wahwah and Muhammad Musa delivered a lecture entitled: “Conflict over Syria”. It was unique in its elevated style and constructive discussion. In Kafr Nubl, were the revolution’s movement is intensifying, Brothers Ismail Al-Wahwah and Hisham Al-Baba delivered two speeches in a lecture in Al-Aqba Masjid entitled: “Ash-Sham’s Revolution and its Life-Line”; It explained the second political paper by Hizb ut Tahrir, and called for the unity of the revolutionaries under its political leaders. The crown of the activities was a bigger lecture in the resisting town of Ma’arat An-Nu’man, by Brothers Ismail Al-Wahwah and Hisham Al-Baba, entitled: “Ash-Sham Revolution and the Clash of Wills”. It was a good conclusion to all what was discussed of ideas, which were loved by the families of the revolutionaries and was discussed. There was a public consensus on the inevitable success of Ash-Sham Revolution and the establishment of the Khilafah on its land whatever the sacrifices and conspiracies are. The final du’aa by all, was beseeching Allah سبحانه وتعالى to grant victory to the Muslim Ummah, through the blessed revolution of Ash-Sham.

Hisham Al-Baba

Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah of Syria

Wednesday, 13 Sha’ban 1435 AH

11/06/2014 CE

No: I-SY-191-10-028