All posts tagged: tranquility

O Muslims: Beware of Preachers at the Gates of Hell

The kafir (infidel) West has realized that overthrowing the political entity of Muslims represented by the Khilafah (Caliphate) state, and tearing their country apart will not happen unless they abandon their Islamic identity and the provisions of the divine Sharia, so it worked hard to occupy their minds to make them slaves to it. It […]

The Co-Operation Between Men and Women in Society

Western, Failed, Corrupt Liberal Values Must Not be Imported as If They are Solutions to our Problems Pakistan’s rulers have imported Western liberal values into our society under the guise of ‘modernization’, specifically targeting the youth. What this has meant for our society and our youth, men and women, is a concerted campaign to introduce […]

Every Action has a Value that a Person Takes into Account to Achieve it While Doing the Action

Question: Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh Our honourable Sheikh, may Allah protect you and support you with the people of his support, The question is related to the topic of values included in the book, The Concepts of Hizb ut Tahrir: Does working for the Khilafah (Caliphate) by attending circles and da’wah work achieve […]