All posts tagged: Taraweeh

FB Q&A: We Take Astronomical Calculations in Determining Prayer Times We Do Not Use Them to Determine the Start of Fasting and Eid

Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh our dear Ameer. This question has been on my mind for a long time. I hope that it will be clarified by you. I ask Allah (swt) to grant you health and wellness and that Allah (swt) grant you His great conquest. Why do we take astronomical calculations […]

The Obligation of Beginning Ramadhan when the Moon is Sighted in Any Country

As Muslims eagerly await the arrival of the glorious month of Ramadhan, seeking the bounties within it and gaining closeness to Allah (swt) – it may be another year entering and leaving Ramadhan being divided. The pain of being divided as an Ummah by artificial political borders and nationalism, imposed by the colonial powers with […]