All posts tagged: sada al-balad

When Will Trading with the Permissibility to Congratulate the Kuffar End?!

There is much controversy during these days every year, regarding congratulating Christians on their festivals, between those who say it is permitted and those who prohibit it and between those who support or oppose it. The Mufti of Egypt and the Sheikh of Al-Azhar sided with those who permitted congratulating them, and absolutely support it […]

Q&A: What is Behind Facebook’s Outage?

Question: On 14/10/2021, America held an international conference related to combating crime in the cyber field, with the participation of 30 countries, and neither Russia nor China were invited. Activity on Facebook stopped on Monday evening, 4/10/2021, when hundreds of millions of people around the world were suddenly unable to use Facebook and its subsidiaries, […]