All posts tagged: public ownership

The Economic Problem in Jordan is Primarily a Political Problem, and it will not be solved except by the Islamic Economic System with the return of the Khilafah State

It was never unexpected that the House of Representatives, with a rate of 75% of the attendees, would approve the general budget law for the fiscal year 2023, despite the harsh criticism of the bill during the 3-day debate sessions due to the financial deficit, the high riba (usury) of public debt, and the absence […]

Egypt’s Economic Crisis is, in fact, a Systemic Crisis It is the Root of the Disease and the Source of Affliction

Extreme poverty, disguised unemployment, political and economic chaos, outrageous wealth for a few at the expense of the majority of people, an unprecedented drop in the value of the pound against foreign currencies, eating up people’s savings, a strong decline in the standard of living, a steady increase in public debt, an unprecedented rise in […]

O People of Kinana: Your Patience is Humiliation and your Silence is a Crime What Happens after the Successive Waves of Flotation?!

On Thursday morning, October 27, 2022, the Central Bank of Egypt raised interest rates by 200 basis points, during an exceptional meeting, so that the rate of return for deposit and lending overnight became 13.25 percent and 14.25 percent, respectively, and the Central statement included an important paragraph in which it said that: “Reform measures […]

Pakistan’s Revenue and Expenditure under the Khilafah

Pakistan’s Current System Secures the Economic Interests of the Kafir Colonialists Sufficient revenues in the state treasury are essential for looking after the affairs of the people and managing the state expenses, such as the armed forces, health and education. However, in Pakistan’s current system, both democracy and dictatorship take turns to secure the economic […]