All posts tagged: public debt

Egypt’s Economic Crisis is, in fact, a Systemic Crisis It is the Root of the Disease and the Source of Affliction

Extreme poverty, disguised unemployment, political and economic chaos, outrageous wealth for a few at the expense of the majority of people, an unprecedented drop in the value of the pound against foreign currencies, eating up people’s savings, a strong decline in the standard of living, a steady increase in public debt, an unprecedented rise in […]

The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka and Britain: Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Capitalist Coin

On Sunday 3rd April, 26 cabinet ministers of the Sri Lankan government resigned due to increasing public anger and protests over the country’s huge financial crisis. The nation’s foreign currency reserves have plummeted in this import-dependent state by around 70% since January 2020 to $2.3 billion in February due to financial mismanagement and the Covid […]