All posts tagged: land grab

Unabated River Grabbing in Bangladesh shall only be stopped with the Re-establishment of the Khilafah (Caliphate)

Rivers are vital natural resources for Bangladesh’s economic growth and development. Being home to the world’s largest river delta, Bangladesh always has vast potential of increasing trade and strengthened food security. But the nonstop illegal encroachment of the rivers by the crony capitalists supported by widespread government corruption are slowly sending almost all our 700 […]

The Apartheid ‘Zionist’ Entity Intensifies its Efforts to Annihilate the Presence of Palestinians from Jerusalem, While the World Stands Silent

Last March, a judicial court of the brutal occupying ‘Zionist’ entity, ordered 6 Palestinian families to leave their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem on the 2nd May 2021 to make way for Jewish settlers, mostly from private US-funded settler organisations. These families now face imminent forced eviction from their homes where they […]