All posts tagged: Jacques Derrida

It is Time for the Islamic Khilafah to Resolve the Civilizational Conflict with the West, Ending the Affliction upon Humankind (2)

Modernist secular Western thinking began as a reaction to the oppression of the Church, clergymen, tsars and monarchs, a reaction of so-called humanism and humanitarian thinking against theological thinking. This humanism marginalized every religious matter attributed to God, placing Man as the center of the universe. It was upon the flimsy claim that his “mighty” […]


As a theory postmodernism has often been defined ambiguously for various reasons: the deliberate attempt of its intelligentsia to avoid the neat closure of definitions; its application over a wide range of seemingly unrelated disciplines (academic and theoretic disciplines such as political science, organization theory, cultural studies, philosophy of science, economics, linguistics, architecture, feminist theory, […]