All posts tagged: islamophobic

The Government’s Poor Acting Shows the True Islamophobic Face of the Swedish State

To this day, the Quran is still frequently burned in the streets of Sweden. The government announces that threats to Sweden have increased, and the security police have raised the terror threat level from 3 to 4. The government is trying to control the situation by inviting Muslim representatives, holding talks with other states and […]

The Closure of Muslim Free Schools Targets the Identity of Muslims

On Thursday, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgsposten and Aftonbladet reported that the Swedish Schools Inspectorate is revoking the permits of two Muslim private schools following an alert from the Swedish Security Service that the pupils risk being radicalised by Islamic ideology. The decision affects a little less than 300 children.

The Horrific Murder of a Muslim Family in Ontario, Canada, Has its Roots in the Islamophobic Political Discourses and Policies of Secular Western States

On Sunday 6th June, a Muslim family in London, Ontario, Canada was murdered in a horrific terror attack by a driver who deliberately mowed them down in a truck, killing a 74-year-old grandmother, 46-year-old father, 44-year-old mother and 15-year-old teenage daughter. A 9-year-old boy was also seriously injured.