All posts tagged: industrial policy

Restoring the Proper Role of the Armed Forces to Serve Islam and the Muslims

Regarding the hostile forces in the region, America’s hold on Afghanistan and the region is purely dependent on Pakistan. Realizing that without controlling Pakistan’s armed forces, it cannot succeed, America has instituted a policy to win agents for itself form amongst Pakistan’s political and military leadership. This is achieved through continual contact via America’s political […]

Pakistan has been Denied its Industrial Potential through Colonialist Policies Imposed by Democracy and Dictatorship Alike

Although Pakistan has huge material resources, a young, bright and lively population and has been included within the “next eleven” economies in the world regarding its potential, its industry is in a pitiful state, since its creation. The so-called industrial growth of the sixties and seventies was of basic and simple industry, without laying the […]

Taxation under the Capitalist Economic System is Oppressively Regressive, Breaking the Backs of the Needy and Indebted

The revenue target for the next financial year, 2021-22, is targeted at Rs. 5.829 trillion, compared to Rs 4.691 trillion for the closing financial year, 2020-21, showing an overall increase of Rs1.138tr (24 percent). This is whilst the IMF has set a target of Rs 10 trillion for 2024-2025.