All posts tagged: ibadah

Chase the Pleasure of Allah (swt) and Not the Votes of Kufr

The 2022 mid-term elections in the United States saw a record number of Muslims win 89 positions on the local, state, judicial and federal levels of government. Ahead of the historic win, the Council on Islamic American Relations (CAIR) and Jetpac released the first national directory of elected Muslim officials, which included 189 Muslim members […]

The Role of Individual Reform in the Revival of the Ummah

Before setting the context of this article, two terminologies need to be defined, namely, “Individual Reform” and “Revival of the Ummah”. “Individual Reform” refers to the change in the Individual components related to Individual Ibadaat (worships) like Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), etc. It also includes other individualistic actions like Mu’amalat (relations/transactions), Akhlaq (ethics) and actions […]

Education in Pakistan is Inadequate and Corrupted, Causing Misery and Preventing Progress

Since the creation of Pakistan, education has been woefully neglected and corrupted, leading to tens of millions our sons and daughters being deprived of an education that Islam has mandated as a right for them. A British colonialist education has divided empirical sciences from Islamic education to form two separate institutions, main stream schools and […]

The Islamic State: The Solution for ‘Minority’ Oppression

In universities, students are being encouraged to adopt liberal ideas. They are told that it is the only way to become fair and ‘accepting’ of all minorities. Because unless we adopt liberal ideas, we’d have bias and oppression. These ideas are becoming increasingly attractive, as people look around the world and see minorities being mistreated. […]

Instead of Fulfilling its Responsibility to Construct Plenty of Spacious Masajid, the Secular System Allows their Destruction

Pakistan’s Supreme Court on 27 December ordered the destruction of the twenty-five-year old Madina Masjid on Tariq Road, Karachi, that is used by thousands of worshippers, five times a day. The secular judiciary arrogantly and insensitively ordered the destruction of one of the houses of Allah (swt) to restore a park upon which it is […]