All posts tagged: house of representatives

The Economic Problem in Jordan is Primarily a Political Problem, and it will not be solved except by the Islamic Economic System with the return of the Khilafah State

It was never unexpected that the House of Representatives, with a rate of 75% of the attendees, would approve the general budget law for the fiscal year 2023, despite the harsh criticism of the bill during the 3-day debate sessions due to the financial deficit, the high riba (usury) of public debt, and the absence […]

The US Only has a Few Days before its Overspending Hits the Limit of its Borrowing Authority

Headline news of The Washington Post on 13 January 2023: “House Republicans prepare emergency plan for breaching debt limit.” Reportedly, “House Republicans are preparing a plan telling the Treasury Department what to do if Congress and the White House don’t agree to lift the nation’s debt limit later this year, underscoring the brinkmanship newly empowered […]

Q&A: US Congress Elections

Question: The Republican Party secured control, with a small majority, over the US House of Representatives which is made up of 435 seats. [“It won at least 218 seats, according to estimates by CBS News, the BBC partner in the United States.” (BBC, November 17, 2022)]. As for the Democrats, they celebrated [“Sunday that the […]

The New Jordanian Party Law Does Not Produce Political Parties for the Ummah… Rather, Parties for the Regime

On Monday, 21/3/2022, the House of Representatives approved the draft political parties’ law as amended by the Senate, after it was previously approved by the House of Representatives on 8/3/2022, after approving its 43 articles, in continuous sessions over a period of three days.

“Assault on America’s Democratic Foundations” or Essence of American Democracy?

The “New Trump scandal shows the depth of his assault on America’s democratic foundations,” according to CNN on the 11th June following explosive new revelations about Trump era targeting of his political opponents with the Department of Justice announcement that it initiated a review into “the Department’s compliance with applicable DOJ policies and procedures, and […]