All posts tagged: history

The Lost Tribes of Pakistan

There is a long believed rumor, among Pashtun communities, that they take descent from the lost tribes of the original twelve tribes of Bani Israeel. This is commonly propagated due to the fact that the Pashtuns have colored eyes and curly hair. Their origins remain mysterious. I personally, as an ethnic Pashtun, and as an […]

 Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La illaha ilal Allah,Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, walillahil Hamd

Indeed, for every nation, there are times of great celebration and rejoicing when the people of that nation come together as one to commemorate a significant event. The Ummah of Muhammad (saw) was given two great celebrations in the Hijri calendar year, both coming after events of significant obedience to our Creator Allah (swt). Eid […]

Tawakkul (Trust) in Allah: Reason behind the Great Achievements of the Muslim Ummah

Reading the history of the Muslim Ummah, one will see the great conquest that it went through, that no other nation has experienced. The Muslims came out of the Arabian Peninsula and fought the major empires in the world at the same time, the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire. Watching this at […]

The Saudi Sons Denied Their Father!

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Education has made a series of modifications to its history textbooks altering the legacy of the Ottoman Empire and its former rule over parts of the Arabian Peninsula. While the former curriculum taught the topic referencing the Ottoman Caliphate, the new curriculum will now cover the Empire’s “occupation”, crimes and subsequent […]