All posts tagged: hanbali

The Opinion of the Imam (Khaleefah) Resolves the Disagreement (Khilaaf)

The Qaidah (Principle) “رأي الإمام يرفع الخلاف” “The opinion of the Imam resolves the disagreement,” is one of the Shariah Principles related to the rulings of governance. However, in order to project Islam as merely a clerical, individualistic religion, it has been deliberately left out of the cultural and educational curricula of Muslims, after the […]

FB Q&A: The Saying “The Well-being of Human Bodies Takes Precedence Over the Well-being of Religions”

Question: Assalamu Alaikum our eminent Ameer, These days, we are faced with a phrase that is repeated by different segments of society, about the issue of distance in prayer, as they invoke what indicates that it is a jurisprudence rule that (the well-being of (human) bodies takes precedence over the well-being of religions)! Could you […]

The Difference in Horizons (Ikhthilaf Al-Matali’): Its reality and effect

It is stated in the book, “Fiqh of the Four Madhahib” إذا ثبتت رؤية الهلال بقطر من الأقطار وجب الصوم على سائر الأقطار، لا فرق بين القريب من جهة الثبوت والبعيد إذا بلغهم من طريق موجب للصوم. ولا عبرة باختلاف مطلع الهلال مطلقاً عند ثلاثة من الأئمة (الحنفية والمالكية والحنابلة)؛ أما الشافعية فقالوا: إذا ثبتت […]