All posts tagged: foreign debt

Egypt’s Economic Crisis is, in fact, a Systemic Crisis It is the Root of the Disease and the Source of Affliction

Extreme poverty, disguised unemployment, political and economic chaos, outrageous wealth for a few at the expense of the majority of people, an unprecedented drop in the value of the pound against foreign currencies, eating up people’s savings, a strong decline in the standard of living, a steady increase in public debt, an unprecedented rise in […]

The Prime Minister of the Regime in Jordan Wrongs and Misleads

Surely Exorbitant Debt, Unemployment and Poverty are Bankruptcy in Itself Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh said during a discussion session in the House of Representatives on Monday, 04/18/2022, that “Jordan is resilient and far from bankruptcy, according to the testimony of the World Bank,” adding that “international credit rating agencies have confirmed Jordan’s credit rating at […]

Q&A: The Turkish Lira Falls to its Lowest Level And its Implications on the Presidential Elections in 2023

Question: The Turkish lira plunged to its lowest level in a short period, losing more than 30% of its value in less than two months, and losing more than 45% of its value since the beginning of this year. The inflation doubled to about 21% and prices rose significantly. Note that it has been in […]