All posts tagged: financial crisis

Not the Heterodox Approaches, but the Economic System of Islam will Save Turkey

Nureddin Nebati, Minister of Treasury and Finance, who made an opening speech at the “Economic Transformation and New Paradigms Summit” hosted by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, presented statements regarding the economy. Minister Nebati interpreted the economy by using eccentrical loanwords and used these statements: “The heterodox approach, which represents an epistemological break from […]

Elections Can Never Solve Pakistan’s Problems. Bury this Democratic, Capitalist System and Establish Khilafah in its Place which will solve the problems faced by the Ummah!

Political factions are claiming that the only solution, to Pakistan’s severe political and economic problems, is the holding of immediate elections. We ask, what do these political factions have to offer, in terms of policy solutions after they come to power post-elections, except for ‘difficult decisions,’ which both the PTI and the PDM are afraid […]