All posts tagged: cultivation

Al-Warraq Island is a Continuous Pain and a Wound that Will not Heal!

Engineer Osama Shawky, head of the New Warraq Island Development Authority, announced that the twenty-eighth lottery for the alternative housing units axis for the people of Warraq Island has been completed, and so far the files of about 550 families who have approved the option of alternative housing units have been dealt with.

A Decree that Shocked the Invaders, the Mafia and the Cartels!

The supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate, Sheikh Hebatullah Akhundzadah, issued a decree on April 3, which will ban the cultivation, production, sale and purchase, export and import of any kind of narcotics in Afghanistan as well as treat the violators in accordance with Islamic Sharia. Besides, the decree further reads that the usage, transportation, […]