All posts tagged: Chelyabinsk

Russia is Becoming an Empire Again

In the 90s of the 20th century, when the central government in Russia was weak, for the sake of preserving the state, it made many concessions to the population and national leaders of the “republics” and “autonomies”, generously “bestowing” them with imaginary “sovereignty” in order to preserve its power over them. Moreover, the collapse of […]

Hizb ut Tahrir Members Carry a Beacon of Light, and the Authorities in Russia Oppress and Torture Them This Behaviour Reminds Us of Fascism and Nazism!

Since the beginning of 2021, all the details of the brutal torture taking place inside the basements of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) in Russia have been exposed to public opinion. On 23/2/2021, the Novaya Gazeta published video footage of torture. It included a video of two prisoners in Yaroslavl Prison in 2017, one of […]