All posts tagged: bonds

Looking for Solutions from the Capitalist System, the Source of Crises, is Like Holding on to a Spider’s Web!

Türkiye’s Medium-Term Program (MPP), which presents the 3-year roadmap of the economy, has been announced. The government, which announced its main macroeconomic targets such as inflation, employment and growth for the period 2024-2026, lowered its growth expectations compared to the previous period and raised its inflation forecast.

The Economic Problem in Jordan is Primarily a Political Problem, and it will not be solved except by the Islamic Economic System with the return of the Khilafah State

It was never unexpected that the House of Representatives, with a rate of 75% of the attendees, would approve the general budget law for the fiscal year 2023, despite the harsh criticism of the bill during the 3-day debate sessions due to the financial deficit, the high riba (usury) of public debt, and the absence […]

Q&A: The Turkish Lira Falls to its Lowest Level And its Implications on the Presidential Elections in 2023

Question: The Turkish lira plunged to its lowest level in a short period, losing more than 30% of its value in less than two months, and losing more than 45% of its value since the beginning of this year. The inflation doubled to about 21% and prices rose significantly. Note that it has been in […]