All posts tagged: al-waie magazine

Western Empiricism and the Separation of Religion from Life

The West has obscured and misrepresented their history. They claim that their adoption of Western Empiricism and all that followed from it was simply a consequence of their desire for progress and enlightenment. But the ugly truth about the Western civilisation is that it has been built on a reckless compromise between the brutally opposed […]

Jihad According to Sharia Texts

A- Linguistic Meaning of Jihad: The word ‘Jihad’ has a four-lettered root verb ‘Jaahada جَاهَدَ’ in the verb form of ‘Fi’al (فِعال). It comes with the meaning of المفاعلة i.e. mutual action of the two parties, like the word khisam/الخِصَام (mutual conflict) with the meaning of المُخَاصَمَة / mukhasama (mutual conflict), which has the root […]