All posts tagged: ahkam

The Role of Individual Reform in the Revival of the Ummah

Before setting the context of this article, two terminologies need to be defined, namely, “Individual Reform” and “Revival of the Ummah”. “Individual Reform” refers to the change in the Individual components related to Individual Ibadaat (worships) like Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), etc. It also includes other individualistic actions like Mu’amalat (relations/transactions), Akhlaq (ethics) and actions […]

Education in Pakistan is Inadequate and Corrupted, Causing Misery and Preventing Progress

Since the creation of Pakistan, education has been woefully neglected and corrupted, leading to tens of millions our sons and daughters being deprived of an education that Islam has mandated as a right for them. A British colonialist education has divided empirical sciences from Islamic education to form two separate institutions, main stream schools and […]