All posts tagged: academic

Niqab Bans are a Political Veil Covering the Real Agenda of Limiting Islamic Expression

On the 12th of September, the BBC reported that the Egyptian government has banned female students from wearing the niqab, a face-covering veil, at schools, according to state-owned media. Education Minister Reda Hegazy’s statement, released on Monday and quoted by the government-owned Ahram Newspaper, said students have an “optional” right to choose if they will […]

France Bans Muslim Women from Wearing the Abaya in Schools Continuing Its War on Everything Related to Islam!!

French Minister of Education, Gabriel Attal, announced on Sunday that he had decided to ban the wearing of the abaya in French schools, “what is meant is the wide, long garment also known as the jilbab.” Attal said during an interview with French TF1 television that “It will no longer be possible to wear an […]

The State of Education in Jordan is Disastrous and in Need of Radical Change for Rescue

Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education, Azmi Mahafza, stated on Sunday, June 18, 2023, “Experts estimate that it would take more than 10 years to address and compensate for the educational deficit.” He discussed the existence of “educational poverty” in Jordan prior to 2019, which refers to the inability of fourth-grade students to […]


As a theory postmodernism has often been defined ambiguously for various reasons: the deliberate attempt of its intelligentsia to avoid the neat closure of definitions; its application over a wide range of seemingly unrelated disciplines (academic and theoretic disciplines such as political science, organization theory, cultural studies, philosophy of science, economics, linguistics, architecture, feminist theory, […]