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Shabiha Tunisian Regime Forces Attack Hizb ut Tahrir Headquarters

Late last night around ten o’clock on Sunday 14th August 2016 CE corresponding to 11th Dhul Qiddah 1437 AH, Shabiha groups from the Tunisian regime managed to get to the main headquarters of Hizb ut Tahrir at the intersection of Ariana Sakra. They took over destroying and damaging the banners attached to the roof of the building.

Two eyewitnesses reported that three police cars went to the Hizb headquarters and called for help from two fire trucks of Civil Defense, with the intention of being lifted on top of the building. It seems however that the Civil Defense refused to do what they were asked and withdrew. This forced security agents to charge through the main door of the headquarters and ordered the building caretaker to cut off the electric lights, and then they went up to the roof of the building and under cover of darkness, tore down the banners which hung on the roof.

In the face of this injustice perpetrated by the current regime against Hizb ut Tahrir and its supporters, we announce that this attack by the security gangs of the Interior Ministry shows a blatant attack on the right to organize and the entitlements of the revolution. These despicable movements come within the context of an attempt to silence the word of truth and fight all those who call for Islam as a civilized alternative to a system of corruption.

We say to them the answer to this “degrading act” is what you will see and not what we will tell you.

وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ

“Those who do wrong will soon know the kind of reversal they will receive!”

(Al Shuraa: 227)


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Tunisia

Sunday, 12th Dhul Qi’dah 1437 AH

15/08/2016 CE

Issue No.: 34/1437